Small businesses account for 77% of all private jobs created in Canada, yet fewer than half last to their fifth birthday. Our education partner GoForth Institute offers Canada’s leading online small business training program. With this program, entrepreneurs learn the 100 Essential Small Business SkillsTM that can increase their odds of small business success.
With access to entrepreneur-instructors and downloadable worksheets and other useful material, GoForth Institute training is there to support entrepreneurs at any stage of the small business life cycle. Courses are delivered via HD streaming online video – 10 modules, containing 30 video lessons at 20 minutes each. EDAC members who complete this training will earn eight points towards EDAC’s Ec.D. designation and can be utilized towards recertification for members who have already earned the Ec.D.
Visit GoForth’s website and register with code goforthwithedac for a $25 discount