Community Collaboration

Insider’s Guide to Norfolk County

Submitted ByNorfolk County Economic Development


A new initiative and community partnership was established in early 2024 to develop a new Insider’s Guide to Norfolk County – a collaboration between Norfolk County Economic Development (NCED) and the Simcoe and District Chamber of Commerce (SDCC). NCED provided content, consultation, and contributed financially as the major sponsor to this project. This helped ensure that it provided representation for all communities across the County. SDCC undertook to design, produce, distribute, and sell advertising in the publication. Norfolk’s other Chambers, BIAs, and Board of Trade contributed advertisements and community profile content as well. These additional partners included the Delhi Chamber of Commerce, Delhi BIA, Simcoe BIA, Port Dover Board of Trade, Long Point Chamber of Commerce, and Waterford Chamber of Commerce.

Through this partnership, a comprehensive and engaging publication was designed to showcase the unique businesses, attractions, events, and cultural experiences available in Norfolk County ( This project was executed with a combination of sponsorship; in-kind contributions; and advertising dollars.

Local Need for the Project

The necessity for the guide stemmed from a significant gap in having updated, comprehensive printed tourism resources for the region. It had been many years since a resource of this nature was compiled and distributed within Norfolk County. In addition, to support their sustainability goals, a decision had been made by Norfolk County to no longer print tourism materials for distribution. Many operators felt this left a void in effectively marketing the area’s evolving attractions, unique businesses, and cultural developments to potential visitors. Many tourists still look for printed information during their travels. It was felt that the absence of a current guide had potential to hinder the promotion of the local tourism sector and the visibility of the county on a broader scale. Through this project, the County helped to bridge the transition, by supporting communities and businesses who continued to see value in having a print-based publication in today’s competitive tourism market.

As well, the Insider’s Guide serves as a tangible resource that allows visitors to easily access information in areas with limited cellular connectivity. As noted previously, printed guides such as this can also help reach a demographic who prefer traditional means of planning and navigating their travels.

Other Objectives of the Project

Support Local Businesses: Including sections dedicated to local eateries, shops, and accommodations, encouraging tourism spending within the community.

Showcase Norfolk County’s Diverse Attractions: Highlighting local landmarks, parks, historical sites, and unique businesses to provide a well-rounded view of what Norfolk County offers.

Promote Local Events and Festivals: Featuring annual events and festivals, emphasizing the vibrant community spirit and diverse cultural experiences.

Provide Practical Information: Offering maps, transportation options, and essential visitor information to facilitate an enjoyable and convenient travel experience.

Overall, this initiative has achieved the objectives established for the partnership and has been heralded as a success among the local business and tourism communities.
