Promotional Item

Get A Life in Canada’s Most Notorious City – The Cereal

Submitted ByCity of Moose Jaw

Get A Life in Canada’s Most Notorious City – The Cereal


The City of Moose Jaw Economic Development team spent the latter months of 2021 and the first few months of 2022 formulating a plan, and creating content, for a campaign aimed at attracting new residents to Canada’s Most Notorious City – Moose Jaw, SK.

To coincide with the launch of the campaign, we wanted to create a promotional item to give away. It had to be unique and support the core messaging behind the Get A Life campaign.

We mulled over a few options, but a trip to the cereal aisle of the grocery store provided our inspiration. Get A Life cereal was born.

Beyond the obvious take on an existing product, we felt cereal was a proper symbol to reflect Get A Life messaging. Moose Javians have a much shorter commute to work than in a larger city. That means they get more time to be at home, and more opportunities to sit down to eat, rather than always having to grab something “on the go”.



We worked with a local marketing company to create the cereal boxes. The front of the box features the stylized Get A Life slogan along with our City of Moose Jaw logo.

The back of the box contains Get A Life supporting text, a QR code to the new URL: and a photo of a swimmer taking a leap into Moose Jaw’s Phyllis Dewar Outdoor Pool, subtly suggesting that people should “take a leap” themselves and move to Canada’s Most Notorious City.

Finally, what would a food package be without the nutritional value of what’s inside? This was another opportunity to tout the ingredients that combine to create a #NotoriouslyNutritious quality of life.

The boxes were designed in the style of Kellogg’s Fun Pac mini cereal, and thanks to a sponsorship with the Moose Jaw Co-op, we secured hundreds of boxes of the Fun Pac cereal and spent a few hours the day before our launch stuffing the cereal bags into the Get A Life boxes.

We used the cereal boxes at the Get A Life launch event at the Regina International airport. All stakeholders received them and actors from the Tunnels of Moose Jaw “Chicago Connection” (based on Al Capone) handed them out to new arrivals at the airport.

While we placed actual cereal in the Get A Life boxes for the campaign launch, we have also used the boxes for other “goodies” like City pins when presenting to guests and will continue to utilize the cereal boxes for promotional use.

One recent example – in April a local bowling team went to a national competition in Thunder Bay, ON. We provided them with 100 boxes and pins and the team distributed to all other teams in the competition.
