Details: Marketing Canada Awards

Review the following before completing a submission.

When you are ready to submit, please proceed to the online form:

We welcome submissions from both EDAC members and non-members. All organizations involved in marketing Canadian provinces, territories, regions, cities, towns, and areas.

To be eligible for EDAC’s Marketing Canada Awards submissions must include projects that have not previously won an EDAC Marketing Canada Award and that have been in use within the last 12 months.

All submissions are posted on the online Gallery of Nominees.

Submissions are organized according to total economic development operating budget (including salaries), not individual project budget.

  • Less than $200,000
  • $200,000-$600,000
  • Greater than $600,000

Submissions for 2023 open on June 5 and close August 15, 2023.

Submission Fees

  • EDAC Member: $87.99 + tax per submission
  • Non-Member $134.92 + tax per submission

The Marketing Canada Awards Judging Panel is made up of a diverse group of individuals with marketing and promotion expertise.

Judges will evaluate submissions to determine award recipients.

Submissions will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Creativity and uniqueness of the approach
  • Effectiveness in achieving objectives
  • User-friendliness
  • Ease of extracting information
  • Completeness and consistency of approach

Online! Please fill out the online Marketing Canada Awards Submission Form on the EDAC website and upload supplemental sample materials, plus a one-page abstract per submission.

What we need from you:

  • Completed Online Submission form + payment
  • Sample materials – electronic only, no mailed copies accepted
  • Abstract – requirements. For each submission’s 1-page abstract, include:
  • Purpose of project (including anticipated outcomes)
  • Effectiveness / Meeting Objectives (if known)
  • Challenges & Changes made
  • Target Audience (demographics)
  • Any specifics as detailed in the particular Awards Categories

Inquiries should be directed to:

Abstract tips:

  • 500 word approx. – for each submission
  • Detail the purpose and impact of your marketing efforts. This information will be significant as the purpose behind the marketing can be more important than what the judges can determine simply by viewing the samples received.

For each submission’s abstract, include:

  • Purpose of Project (including anticipated outcomes)
  • Effectiveness / Meeting Objectives (if known)
  • Challenges & Changes made
  • Target Audience (demographics)
  • Any specifics as detailed in the particular Awards Categories
  • Any details regarding the sustainability of your project. Sustainability is about being mindful of one’s place, processes, and mentality in order to influence change for the better of our communities, local and global.

Awards Categories

For EDAC’s Marketing Awards, there are 11 categories to choose from to apply your submission within. Find the details of each below:

Recovery Project or Plan

Strategic project or plan directly related to rebounding, rebuilding and recovery in your community.

Canada is still pivoting and rebuilding from the impacts of COVID-19. Economic development professionals play a significant role in leading their communities back to prosperity. Whether a new partnership or collaborative working groups like an Economic Recovery Task Force, EDOs are learning, researching, and supporting businesses in order to rebuild their local economy.

Also applicable: implementation of significant changes/revisions within your strategic plan/business plan or work plan that has assisted your municipality and businesses in rebuilding the local community since 2020.

Brand Identity / Application

Creative, memorable, meaningful and consistent application of brand identity. Must include a comprehensive brand guideline, logo, tagline and brand promise. Submissions that do not include a brand guideline document will not be considered. Additionally, include examples of brand being applied across multiple media to demonstrate consistency of application. Where applicable, abstract should detail any efforts made to choose sustainable materials or message behind the brand used to inspire or influence the community.

Submissions in this category should be informational (as opposed to promotional)

Single Publication – 4 or less pages (including e-newletters)

A publication (1-4 pages in length) used to attract business investment, tourism, or to promote use of services (brochures, postcards, etc.). Includes HTML-based electronic newsletters – provide any applicable analytics in your abstract – opens, clicks etc. to demonstrate the newsletter’s effectiveness. PDF Newsletters are not applicable.

Single Publication – 5 or more pages (excluding research papers)

A publication (5 pages or more in length) used to attract business investment, tourism, or to promote use of services. Can be part of a series that represents a cohesive offering. If so, please provide samples to show the various media elements to this series.

Submissions in this category should be promotional (as opposed to informational).

Single Advertisement

A single published advertisement (not necessarily printed) promoting/ marketing economic development or tourism opportunities, attractions, events or services.

Advertising Campaign

A series of themed published advertisements (not necessarily printed) promoting/marketing economic development or tourism opportunities, attractions, events or services.

In your abstracts for this category, please provide the exact URL.

Where applicable, abstract should include answers to: How do you keep this site/ media current and up to date? What is your electronic strategy? How will this digital communication affect your region/ business?


Website uniquely reflects the community, with innovative elements, design and layout. Provides current statistics, data, services, that are relevant to the target user. Has ease of navigation to ensure that information is easily searchable.

Apps/Social Media

Applications that allow for two-way communication with a target audience. These can include social media campaigns or apps that have effectively and innovatively been an aid to interactions with the business community.

Promotional Items

Unique items created specifically to promote or reinforce business/tourism themes, opportunities, attractions, or services. Must be innovative and customized for the purpose. (No generic objects with brand/logos will be judged). Where applicable, abstract should detail any efforts made to choose sustainable materials for these items and what message that it is sending to the community.

Promotional Video

Videos created to promote and/or reinforce business/tourism themes, opportunities, attractions, and/or services. Where applicable, abstract should detail any sustainable efforts and/or message that the video is sending to the community.

Promotional Events

Events geared to promoting economic development / tourism opportunities, attractions and services. To be considered, abstract must detail concrete outcomes and results of the event to as well as any sustainable motives or message associated with this event. Include examples, if applicable, of how virtual events have allowed you to continue with your goals, work, local successes, etc.
