As a member benefit, EDAC awards scholarships annually to eligible members who are pursuing further education and professional development in Canada.
EDAC scholarships must be used towards an EDAC accredited Course and are available to EDAC Members only. You must be a member in good standing to apply for an EDAC Scholarship.
Each new year, all EDAC Members (in good standing) will be sent a link containing an application to apply for scholarships. Applications will be adjudicated in February. All applicants will be notified whether or not their scholarship has been approved.
Due February 26, 2025

EDAC accepts no responsibility for faulty information, applications which may be lost or misinterpretation of information. Applicants will be reviewed and recommended on a first come, first served basis for any or all EDAC accredited courses.
However, EDAC may select any number of members, without an obligation to carry funding over to the following scholarship year.
Notes to applicants:
- A link to apply is sent directly to EDAC members in good standing to apply for scholarships that will be awarded for the following year.
- EDAC awards a maximum of six scholarships to any one individual within a five-year period. Only on-line applications will be accepted.